A Refreshment Morning

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. .

Cheeries Beloved Fruits

They’re not only delicious but also pack vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds with powerful health effects..

Strawberries are bright red, juicy, and sweet.

Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, which may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control.

A Good Start Of the Day

The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.

A Important Part Of Healthy Eating

Eating plenty of vegetables is one of the easiest ways for people to improve their health and well-being..

Friday 10 April 2020

Amazing uses of Lemon Peels

Lemon Peels 

Glass of lemon water and mint.
Lemon water is all the rage these days !!!
As in if i talk about my country INDIA it is easily available everywhere you go here we call it Nimbu Pani, and in summer season it is highly recommended  to drink lemon water because it helps keep our our body dehydrated.
Many restaurants serve it routinely, and some people start their day with lemon water instead of coffee or tea. and many more
Lemon water not only taste delicious but also work wonder for your health, skin and hair. But if you are in the practice of throwing away lemon peel after squeezing the juice out of it, think again. 

Lemon Peels

Lemon peel contains a list of vitamin, mineral and fiber like calcium, potassium and Vitamin C, which gives your body a nutritional boost. Lemon peels also have some healthy enzymes, which help us to live a healthier life. So, by throwing away the lemon peel, you are doing a great disservice to your body.

(You can also read this :- Meaning of nutrients in simple and easy way !!!

Amazing uses of Lemon Peels

  • Rich source of vitamin C
  • Prevent acne
  • promote weight loss
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Improve bone health
  • Fights with anti fungal infections
  • Help eliminate worms and parasite
  • Act as a natural antidepressant 
  • Prevent cysts 
  • Low the risk of cancer
Lemons are blessed with many natural health benefits, and no part of them should go to waste, as you have seen why peel is also important. Many people consider using lemon juice and pulp. But here's the thing. If you're only using the juice and discarding the peel, you may be missing out one of the important thing

Lemon peel are in rich source of vitamins you can also say that lemon peel have five to ten times more vitamin then lemon juice.

Lemon peels helps prevent acne by drying up blemishes due to the natural fruit acids that kill bacteria and remove dead skin.it is also rich in antioxidants and thus helps to detoxify our skin.

Lemon peels are know to promote weight loss and may slow down fat accumulation. This is because they contain pectin fiber, which may help in weight loss by making you fell full for longer, However, lemon juice does not contain any pectin and you will have to rely on the peels to get the same.

If i take about regulates blood pressure, the whole plays an important role as is one of the best remedies for abnormal blood pressure it is known to make blood vessels soft and flexible, lowering blood pressure level. Lemon juice is know to lower the triglyceride level (a blood test that measures types of fats in your body) and thus beneficial for individuals suffering from hypertension.

Lemon Peels improve bone health as they contain high amount of calcium and vitamin C. which assist in the maintenance of bones

Lemon peels helps to fight with bacteria as they possesses antimicrobial(is an agent that kills the microorganisms and stop their growth ) and anti fungal characteristics that keep a check on bacteria and fungus that may give birth to skin infections.

As lemon peels have antibacterial property so it help to kills the internal worms and parasite.

Conclusion:- As we have we have have seen the amazing uses of lemon peels.as now your even lemon peels are important so don't throw away lemon peels, i hope you will like my article.

Did we miss anything.? What amazing uses of lemon peel you have come up with. Please do comment below where you can also how you use lemon peels in your day to day life..

Please do Follow and support me to write more informative content for you.

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Monday 30 March 2020

Boost Immunity: These 5 Foods That Increase Immunity In The Changing Weather Will Prevent Cold And Flu!

Boost Immunity: These 5 Foods That Increase Immunity In The Changing Weather Will Prevent Cold And Flu!

Immunity Boosting Foods: Eating healthy should be the most necessary and first step to do Boost Immunity. There are some foods that can be most effective for increasing your immunity. Learn here about 5 such things that naturally increase your immunity.

How To Boost Immunity: These foods can help prevent infection.

How To Boost Immunity: The weather is changing. Of course this weather can give us relief from cold but it can surround us with troubles like cold, cough and fever. People with weak immunity have to face the maximum outbreak of flu in this season. In view of the fear of Coronavirus and Seasonal Flu, it is important to take care of your health and prevent all kinds of infections effectively. Eating healthy should be the most important and the first step to do Boost Immunity. There are some foods that can be most effective for increasing your immunity. Learn here about 5 such things that naturally increase your immunity. Coronavirus Havoc is also seen during the changing season. Because of this, people are very conscious about their immunity. Some people are asking what to eat to increase immunity? (Immunity-Boosting Foods) What are homeopathic medicines to increase immunity, people are also asking about Ayurvedic medicine to increase immunity, but naturally increase immunity. It is one of the best measures that can save you from infection in this season.

These 5 Foods Naturally Increase Immunity. 5 Foods That May Boost Immunity Naturally

1. Citrus Fruits

How To Boost Immunity: Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which can help build immunity.
Oranges are rich in Vitamin C is believed to be effective in increasing the production of white blood cells. To increase vitamin C intake, consume citrus fruits like oranges and grapes daily. This natural method will help increase your immunity.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber

Green vegetable contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and a lot of fiber. It is also rich in antioxidant compounds. All these qualities make broccoli a great food for boosting immunity. If you also want to increase immunity power in a natural way, then consume broccoli daily.

3. Garlic

Garlic is Nutritious 

Garlic is known to provide many health benefits. Garlic can help manage blood pressure and prevent hardening of the arteries. Garlic has already been used to fight flu and infections. You can also naturally consume the immune system by consuming garlic.

4. Ginger

Loaded with bio active compound and nutrients

Ginger, a compound found in ginger, is considered effective in fighting cough, sore throat and inflammatory diseases. Ginger can also help reduce and stabilize cholesterol levels. Do not miss to eat other to increase such immunity.

5. Turmeric

Contains high amount of cur-cumin Compound 

has been used in therapeutic experiments to fight inflammation and infection for centuries. Ancient medicines prove that turmeric, which contains high amount of cur-cumin compound, is rich in antioxidants. Turmeric can also help prevent heart diseases, cancer disease.

Conclusion: Prevention is better than cure - we all have heard it many times. This is the right time to include these foods in the diet during this period of virus epidemic and severe flu.

Stay Safe Stay Healthy.
The Nutrition Basket 

Sunday 22 March 2020

Corona Virus in India,Symptoms and Precautions

Corona virus in india
Corona Virus In India

Corona virus in India, know everything!

Corona - This name is no longer unknown to anyone. This virus, originating from China, has now spread to most countries of the world.

India too has not been able to escape from it, but as time passes, the risk of this virus is increasing. This movement was first encountered in Kerala in India.

According to PIB, for the first time in India, the first cases of corona were reported from Kerala and then three people were found positive, but all three were investigated and they were repaired after isolation.

After this, many cases have been confirmed continuously and those who have been found suspicious have been kept under surveillance.

Among the cities in India where these cases have been reported, the most prominent are - Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala and Ladakh.

So far as per Government of India,  295 active cases have been reported in India due to corona virus and 5 person has also died. After this news, Corona has risen above the danger mark across India.

What has the government done?

Fight Against Corona Virus 

The Indian government is fully prepared for the corona. The government has told everyone that the government has completed its preparations and there is no need to panic.

The government has said that the Health Ministry teams are constantly visiting and investigating and if a suspect is found, it is being isolated immediately.

Apart from this, Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has said that - people should not think that there is no cure, corona can be avoided if people will remain vigilant and show complete alertness.

Apart from this, the central and state governments together have taken some important steps to avoid corona.

All government and private schools and colleges in Delhi have been closed. Apart from this, theaters have also been locked. The government says that in view of the increasing danger of corona, every place where people gather in large numbers will be banned.

Governments are also thinking about closing the malls, although no decision has been taken on this as it may cause a lot of loss in business. But currently there is no other way in front of the government.

If the virus had spread more then the number of corona affected people in India could reach 1000.

The government has also issued a helpline number to deal with Corona - can call 01123978046 or in addition a mail ID has also been issued - can give information on ncov2019@gmail.com.

What are the symptoms of corona?

If you want to identify corona, then some symptoms can be noted -

  • Fever
  • Cough, especially dry cough
  • Running Nose
  • Headache 
  • Feeling being unwell
  • Sore throat

What precautions should be taken to avoid corona virus -

  • It is mandatory to wear mask if you have sneeze, cough.
  • Keep a certain distance from people who have cough, cold, fever.
  • If a corona is suspected, contact the nearest hospital immediately.
  • Whenever you come from outside, wash hands with any soap or hand wash.
  • Do not touch the mouth with hands, that is, keep hands away from eyes, nose and mouth.
  • If you have touched your eyes or mouth, use a sanitizer immediately.

There is only one way to avoid this virus - Caution. If you take care of these basics, then this corona virus will not be able to affect you.



Thursday 19 March 2020

Brotos Instant Dehydrated Sprouts

BROTOS Instant Dehydrated Sprouts
BROTOS Instant Dehydrated Sprouts 

Brotos  Sprouts

As we talked in our previous article about Sprouts its definition.What nutrients you get from sprouts, types of sprouts, its benefits, how should we make it, how should we eat it and what are the side effects from excessive consumption. You can read our article written on Sprouts:Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects. If you have been to our previous article you might have got to know if we see the process of sprouting is time consuming, in our day to day life people don't have that much of time they need something Instant, for that the go to the market to buy the sprouts. As there are many brands available in the market,
In this Sequence,today we will talk about one of the best brand in the market and my favorite one is  Brotos Sprout. In this article i would be explaining about the product, what are the key features of the product, what dishes you can make,a small recipe and the main part why you should choose Brotos Sprouts
Brotos Instant Sprouts
Brotos instant sprouts

Brotos Instant Sprouts:-

Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all foods tested. Sprouts are real 'Life Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Enzymes. Are you longing for sprouts but you just don't have time to make your own sprouts? Are you worried about hygiene while buying sprouts from market?

Don't sweat, as BROTOS brings to you dehydrated Instant sprouts that prepared using award winning and patented SCD Technology. The technology helps enhance nutritional absorption of the protein rich beans. BROTOS sprouts are made using Food safe and most hygienic environment ensuring highest quality.
Each pack gives you quarter kg of sprouts instantly. With these protein & vitamins rich food, make a positive change towards a food lifestyle that is healthy & nutritious one. If i talk about the process how it prepared. 

Brotos Sprouts are sun dried sprouted pulses prepared using unique solar conduction drying process to harness natural light, giving healthy, nutritious & easy-to-prepare sprouts for your everyday meals. Sprouting causes improved absorption of proteins and vitamins in the body. Brotos brings the convenience of instant foods and wholesomeness of enriched diets naturally, without any added preservatives, color or other additives. They are available in 6 varieties: Moong, Moth,Chana,Lobia,Massor and Mix beans.

Key Features
Key Features 

The key features are:

  • Convenient
  • Instant 
  • Long Shelf Life
  • Rich in Proteins
  • Rich in Minerals (Ca, Fe, Mg,Zn)
  • Rich in Vitamins A, B, C, and K
  • Low Calorie
  • Gluten-free
  • Controls Acidity
  • Supports Blood Circulation
  • Improves Immune System
  • Hygienic (Made using RO water)
  • No Added Preservatives – Vegan

Why BROTOS Sprouts?

Brotos Sprouts
Brotos Sprouts

BROTOS Sprouts are known for their low calorific content and high fiber and Vitamin (A,B , C, and K) contents. They offer amazing health benefits by increasing Minerals (magnesium,calcium, zinc, iron) absorption and protein availability in the body lowering allergens and acidity. The high fiber content breaks down gluten and eases the digestion process. On hydration, the sprouts retain these health benefits
These are enzyme & protein rich food essential for your body’s optimum functioning. These are 100% natural, vegan and gluten free instant sprouts.
With utmost focus on hygiene, you need not worry about sprouts quality, microbial contamination, and food safety. High quality beans are selected and sprouted with purified water. You need not worry for food borne diseases by consuming sprouts from market anymore. If we talked about to two main feature that is.

Longer Shelf Life of 6 months:

The technology gives shelf life of 6 months without any preservatives added, with no refrigeration needed. These are natural without any added colour, flavors or preservatives. BROTOS are exactly what you wished for your health & wellness.

Eat anytime anywhere- Easy to prepare:

BROTOS Sprouts can be used in your meals with preparation time of just few minutes. Eat healthy whenever you want to with BROTOS, be it your office, hostels, while traveling or even as Snack after your workouts. Our unique Sprouts Masala Sachet inside gives you great taste with convenience for your busy lifestyle. All you need is boiling water and you are good to go. Hassle free cooking allows you to have them as Salad, or prepare Khichadi, Misal, Curries, Healthy Chat, Chillas and many more.

Brotos Sprouts With Masala Sachet

Dishes made from BROTOS Sprouts:

Sprouts Salad: 40 gms
Sprouts khichdi: 10 gms
Sprouts kadhi: 20 gms
Mixed sprouts sabzi: 15 gms
Sprouts soup: 15 gms
Bean sprouts stir-fry: 40 gms
Sprouts pulao: 20 gms
Sprouts dhokla: 20 gms
Sprout Chillas: 40 gms (2 Chilla/parathas)
Misal: 10 gms
Usal: 20 gms
Sprout Chaat

Quick and simple sprouts recipes that will help you lose weight and do wonders for your health.Moong sprouts salad / Mung sprouts salad is a healthy indian style salad. Sprouts are a healthy & nutrient food. They can be made with different pulses & I choose moong bean sprouts for this salad. I made it in Indian style as I don’t have to add oil in the dressing & it only needs 3 ingredients to build the flavor in salad.


• 1 cup of Brotos sprouted moong beans
• 1 small or medium sized onion, finely chopped
• 1 medium sized tomato, finely chopped
• 1/2 tsp Brotos sprout masala or chaat masala
• 1 tsp lemon juice or as required
• 1 boiled potato or sweet potato (optional)
• A few coriander leaves and lemon slices for garnishing
• Pinch of salt

• Boil Moong sprouts till they are completely cooked.(8 mins)
• Mix all the ingredients except the salt and lemon juice in a bowl.
• Season with salt and add a few drops of lemon juice. Garnish with lemon slices and coriander leaves.
• Serve immediately.

Moong bean salad
Moong Bean Salad
Let see who is the founder Brotos Instant Sprouts, what is his vision and he think.

Sumit Tated
Founder and Director, BROTOS, SoFood Pvt Ltd.| Food with focus on C-H-N (Convenience, Health & Nutrition) | Fitness Food
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Profile:- Linkedin 

Sumit has founded SoFood Pvt Ltd, a Dehydrated Food Company. Under his leadership, SoFood has developed various dehydrated food products, BROTOS being its flagship product. Managerial skills & execution is his forte. He loves to travel and explore. As a pastime, he teach kids and provide career guidance.

Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all foods tested. Sprouts are real 'Life Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Enzymes.'

But making sprouts is a difficult and time consuming task for today's generation.

Buying Sprouts from market comes with risk of microbial contamination and hygienic concerns.

We understand all of this and hence, with our years of R&D, we bring BROTOS to you, Instant Sprouts, made with utmost care for food safety, quality and hygiene. With 6 months shelf life, that too without any preservatives added, it gives you an awesome Food for healthy eating habits in 5 minutes.

Sprouts i was mainly believe this is one of the most complete and nutritional food or you can say good source of protein,best product for vegetarians to add in their diet. 

So i hope you like my article If Yes do comment and if you guys can give me more ideas on which topic i should write article fell free to mention i comment session.

Thank You
The Nutrition Basket

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.


Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.

Hello Guys In this Article i will explain your about Sprouts,If you Diet Conscious, You go to the gym,You love to eat healthy food. Then you Would be knowing Sprouts. But the guys who don't know this is the article for you in which i would be explaining about  Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects. 


Sprouts are known as sprouted grains. These are sprouted seeds of grains or legumes, which have been included in a nutritious diet. In Naturopathy i.e. natural medicine, sprouted grains are known as medicines. Experts also believe that eating sprouts in the morning does not cause a deficiency of protein in the body and provides essential nutrients. Sprouts are rich in nutrients. It is found in high amounts of protein. Here we are giving you all the information related to sprouted grains, knowing that you can keep yourself healthy by including sprouts in your diet.

What are Sprouts - 

Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.

Sprouted grains i.e. sprouts are seeds from which small sprouts begin to emerge. This germination process usually begins by soaking grains or seeds for several hours. When sprouted, the starch found in grains - glucose, fructose and maltose - turns into sugars. This not only enhances the taste of the grain, but also enhances its nutrients and digestive properties. This is why sprouted grains are considered more nutritious than whole grains.

Nutrients in Sprouts - 

Sprouts are found in plenty in the diet of chlorophyll, vitamins A, B, C, D and K, which are a better source of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron. Sprouts also contain fiber, folate, omega-3 fatty acids. In these, the amount of vitamin C, B-complex, thiamine, riboplevin and niacin is doubled.
If you want to know in details about Vitamins you can refer my article on Vitamins

Types of Sprouts -

Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.
Types of Sprouts

Sprouted grains are not any grains. There are many varieties available, which you can use to keep yourself fit and healthy. Many types of grains, legumes, vegetable seeds, nuts, etc. are used in sprouted grains. You can eat them raw or cooked after sprouting. Let's know about the names of sprouted grains -
  • The beans
  • peas
  • Almond
  • Radish seeds
  • Alfalfa seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Brussels
  • Moong dal
  • Moth
  • Lobia
  • Masoor
  • gram
  • Fenugreek
  • Soybean
  • Quinoa

Benefits of eating sprouted grains - Benefits of Eating Sprouts

Sprouted grains are very beneficial for our health. Its use protects us from many diseases. Let's know about the countless benefits of including sprouted grains in your diet -

Sprouts For Weight Loss-

Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.
Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight then include sprouts in your diet. It contains plenty of fiber, which after eating our stomach is full for a long time and we are saved from taking extra calories. Sprouted grains have a very low calorie content, hence it proves to be effective in weight loss.

Sprouts For Increasing Stamina-

Sprouts: Definition,Nutrients,Types,Benefits,How to make,How to eat,Side effects.

Increasing the stamina means removing weakness in the body, strengthening yourself, both physically and mentally, so that you can complete all the work you do without stopping and without exhaustion. Sprouts are a storehouse of food energy. This is the reason that apart from breakfast in the morning, many people also include it regularly in food, so that their stamina remains.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Collagen: Types of collagen its benefits and source.

What Are the Best Types of Collagen & Benefits of Each?

As we talked in our previous article about what is collagen its benefits and source and it is useful for us. You can read our article written on What is collagen its benefits and source.  In this sequence, today we will talk about  different types of collagen and benefits of each . If you’re trying to decide between the various types of collagen supplements, it’s very helpful to know that are actually many different types of collagen to choose from. Which collagen is best? Collagen is an amazing health booster in general, but the variety of collagen that is “best” for you can depend on your health goals since different types of collagen target different concerns.

At least 28 types of collagen have been identified so far, but there are certain types of collagen that you’ll most often find in supplements due to their desirable benefits. As more and more collagen products come on the market, it’s important to know the difference between types of collagen, collagen sources, and specific collagen benefits by type.

Types of Collagen

What are the different types of collagen?  There are many different types of collagen (at least 18 as just mentioned), but three types are considered to be most common.

What are the 3 types of collagen? The five most common varieties include type 1 collagen, type 2 collagen, type 3 collagen. These types of collagen are an absolutely essential part of our physical makeup and can be found all over the body.

Type I Collagen

What is type 1 collagen? Without a doubt, type I collagen is the most abundant protein found in humans (and in all vertebrates). Type I helps to form our skin, bones, tendons, corneas, blood vessel walls, and other connective tissues.

Type I or type 1 collagen is the strongest variety of collagen. If you’re looking for a collagen for skin health, type 1 is a top choice since it’s literally a building block of the skin making it great for anti-aging and wound healing. As we age, our collagen production naturally decreases, which is why many people are turning to collagen supplements containing type 1 collagen to boost their levels.

Type 1 collagen, for example, can be found in supplements containing fish collagen, which mainly contains type 1 collagen as well as several amino acids, including proline, glycine and hydroxyproline.

Fish or marine collagen has a reputation for being easily absorb able by the body. Egg collagen, which is located in the whites and shells of eggs, contains mostly type 1 collagen, but also contains type 4 along with type 3 and type 10.

Type II Collagen

What is collagen type 2? Type 2 is the major collagen found in cartilage. Cartilage is connective tissue which protects the ends of long bones at the joints. It’s also a structural component of the ear, the nose, the bronchial tubes, the rib cage and more.

Since type 2 collagen helps to form the cartilage that protects our joints, it’s no wonder that this variety of collagen is often considered best for improving joint health and symptoms of arthritis.

Supplements containing chicken collagen, such as chicken bone broth protein powder, are a top source of type II collagen. Chicken collagen also contains chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate, which are both popular for treating arthritis and general joint problems.

Type III Collagen

Type 3/type III is a fibrillar collagen and is a major component of our skin and organs. In the body, type 3 collagen is often found in the same locations as type 1.

Like type 1, it is often in supplements designed to boost skin elasticity and firmness. Type 3 collagen as well as type 1 collagen also help to maintain the functional integrity of the heart.

Bovine collagen, which is derived from the muscles, bones and skin of cows is another collagen supplement option that contains mainly types 1 and 3 collagen. These are two of the most abundant types of collagen in the human body.
There are many different types of collagen – 16, to be exact.  However, the most commonly researched types of collagen include:  Types I, II and III.

Type I Collagen and Type III Collagen are the most prevalent within our bodies. Type I collagen is used for strong hair, skin, nails and bones. Type III is used for the same!

While Type II Collagen is less prevalent within our bodies, it still offers great benefit to the aging body by promoting joint and cartilage health!

As described above, Collagen Type I and Type III are the most commonly occurring collagen types within our bodies.  These two types of Collagen promote hair, skin, nail and bone health.

Collagen Types I and III increase elasticity of the skin; thus, minimizing wrinkles and allowing you to get your youthful glow on!  These Collagen types also help strengthen bones and nails. <– We ALL need that!

Collagen Types I and III also stimulates the production of amino acids, in particular Glycine.

 What is GLYCINE?

Glycine is the amino acid that is responsible for building muscle and burning fat .  It is super important!

Another benefit of these types of Collagen include stimulation of healthy hair.  These types of collagen allow us to have THICK and SHINY hair!

It truly promotes natural health; and in the process, also slows down hair loss!

Collagen Type II is the form of collagen that promotes joint and cartilage health.

By offering support for joints, this type of collagen can reduce the progression of arthritis!  Type II Collagen is comprised of:  glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid.

As we all age, this type of collagen diminishes significantly

Therefore, in order to continue to obtain the benefits that this type of collagen has to offer, it is essential to supplement our diets with the supplements that contain natural collagen!

As I am sure you’ve seen all over social media there are many products out there now, that offer supplementation of natural collagen.

It is SUPER important to choose wisely, and only choose products that are organic and natural.

It’s also recommended to take these products with citrus, orange juice or supplements which contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C actually works as a co-enzyme to allow for better absorption of the collagen, which provides added benefit and better absorption.

Collagen supplement benefits have been evaluated through published medical studies.  These medical studies have proven that adding oral collagen to your daily routine can increase the elasticity of our skin, along with other benefits.  Medical research has proven that there IS definitely benefit to adding this supplement to your diet!

Which foods Rich in collagen.

If you want to skip the supplements, then make sure to include foods that are naturally rich in collagen in your diet. Some foods that are rich in collagen are:

Bone broth
Wild caught salmon
Leafy greens
Eggs + other proteins like lean turkey.
Tomatoes and other red veggies

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Collagen: What Is It and What are its Benefits and Source.

What is Collagen.


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is the bones, muscles, skin and tendons (tendon: the element connecting bones and muscles). Collagen is important for body texture and strength.

"Endogenous collagen" is natural collagen, which is formed in the body on its own. Endogenous collagen has many important functions. It is related to many health problems.

"Exogenous collagen" is a collagen composed of external factors. It is taken from external sources and complementary medicines. It is used for medical and cosmetic (cosmetics) purposes. Exogenous collagen is also used to keep tissues healthy.
Bright skin is the dream of every girl. Some girls have a natural glow on their face and you are disappointed to see why your skin is not like this. But you do not have to be disappointed, just with a little effort, you can also get beautiful and glowing skin.

Care here means we do not just apply face packs, facials. Rather here we are talking about internal care for the skin. Having beautiful skin depends mostly on how your diet is. When you eat food, then nutrients go into your body, which makes your skin look glowing and glowing.

Therefore, your diet should include nutrients that have an effect on your skin. There are many diets that will improve your skin by taking them.

Eating fruits, vegetables, etc., which are rich in vitamin C, makes the face glow and does not cause wrinkles. So let's know that by eating some such foods, your face will also glow.

What we don't do to make ourselves beautiful. Some people even take medicines. So why not make it easy. You just start eating fruits everyday then see their

What Are Collagen Peptides?

Collagen peptides, or collagen hydrolysate, are short chains of amino acids derived from collagen. You can find them in the form of protein powder. To understand the difference between collagen versus collagen peptides, it is important to understand that collagen peptides and gelatin are made by breaking down the full-length collagen molecules. They are made of the same amino acids as collagen, but they have different properties.

After consumption and absorption, collagen peptides travel throughout the body, repairing, rebuilding and providing energy. Collagen peptides are shuttled to the different tissues where cells will build the peptides into full-length collagen helices to repair our skin, bones and joints, or the cells can use the amino acids directly for energy.

What’s the Difference Between Collagen and Collagen Peptides?

Collagen peptides are generally more bio available – they are better absorbed into the bloodstream because they are much shorter chains of amino acids than collagen and gelatin. Because they’re fully hydrolyzed and therefore shorter, collagen peptides are more readily broken down into a form that can enter the bloodstream upon digestion.  To put it simply, collagen peptides are the more broken down form of collagen.

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Hydrolyzed collagen powder is another named for collagen peptides. It is important to understand that hydrolyzed collagen versus collagen peptides are two names for the same product. Full length collagen is broken down into collagen peptides through a process called hydrolysis, so collagen peptides are frequently also referred to as hydrolyzed peptides, or just hydrolyzed collagen.

Benefits of collagen:-

The benefits of collagen for skin

The most important advantage of collagen is that it is useful for making the skin shiny and healthy. This essential protein provides elasticity to your skin, making you appear young and healthy. But as you age, the level of collagen starts to decrease, due to which your skin starts getting dry, loose and wrinkled.

A study was carried out in the year 2014. The study included 69 women aged 35 to 55. Of these, 46 women were given a collagen supplement, while the remaining women were given "placebo: chemically inactive pills". Improvement in skin elasticity of women taking collagen was observed after four weeks. In a similar study, with the help of collagen, the wrinkles of women were reduced within eight weeks.

Collagen benefits for hair

Collagen helps the hair to grow and regrow. It has antioxidant properties, which reduce the production of "free radicals" (harmful elements present in the body) in the body. Free radicals formed in the body are formed by various metabolic processes and they damage the hair follicles. These also cause hair loss. But by having sufficient amount of collagen in the hair, the hair follicles are strengthened and this helps the hair grow. Taking collagen makes your hair thicker and stronger and healthier.

Collagen properties for joint pain

With aging, the cartilage (cartilage: the strong and flexible tissue connecting the bones) on the joints of bones starts to decrease, causing you to feel joint pain and stiffness. Collagen can help reduce joint pain and symptoms of arthritis.

Some people involved in one study were given a supplement of type 2 collagen made from hen's neck for 90 days. After a few days, a 40 percent reduction in the symptoms of osteoarthritis disease was observed in these people, while the severity of other symptoms also decreased to about 33 percent. Another study conducted in 1993 with this same collagen supplement found a decrease in inflammation and joint pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Use of collagen for muscles

Collagen is a major organ of muscle tissue, thus it is effective in building muscle mass. It also gives you energy during collagen workout. Not much research has been done on collagen and excise, but a study in 2015 gave collagen supplements to men with "sarcopenia" (Sarcopenia: decreased muscle mass due to aging). At 12 weeks, these people showed reduced fat and increased muscle strength compared to others.

Collagen benefits for digestive system

Collagen strengthens the lining providing protective tissue (connective tissue) and protection to the digestive system. This is very important, because many kinds of elements can reach your bloodstream due to obstruction of the intestinal process and it can also cause inflammation.

A 2003 study looked at around 170 people with inflammatory bowel disease (long-term inflammation in the digestive system) and found that most people had significantly lower collagen levels. This showed that increasing the amount of collagen helps to form the layer of tissues of the gastrointestinal tract and make your intestines healthy. However, there has been little research on the effects of collagen supplementation on the digestive system.

Collagen foods

You can increase the level of collagen by including certain foods in your diet. Below are the collagen enhancing foods.

Sour Fruits - Vitamin C provides many benefits to your body, as well as it plays an important role in increasing collagen. Helps reduce free radicals. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that increases synthesis of collagen. You should also include vitamin C rich fruits in your diet and eat lemon, orange and citrus fruits daily.

Fish - Fish contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the communication of your cells. Healthy cells are very important for the texture of your skin.

Green vegetables - Vegetables such as broccoli and spinach effectively increase collagen levels. It also helps prevent collagen damage due to smoke, dust, cigarette smoke and excessive sun exposure.

 Red colored vegetables - Research has shown that some red colored vegetables contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which helps to increase collagen. You can get this antioxidant from beets, peppers and tomatoes. Lycopene not only works to increase collagen, but also protects the skin from sun rays.

Orange colored vegetables - You can fulfill the requirement of collagen by orange vegetables like sweet potato and carrot. Such vegetables contain vitamin A, which plays a major role in building cells and keeping skin healthy. Orange fruits such as mangoes and apricots are also the main sources of beta-carotene, which is released into the body and converted into vitamin A.

Berries - Berries (small sized juicy fruits) are skin healthy fruits. Black mulberry, cherries, berries etc. are helpful in the formation of collagen in the body. They are rich in essential antioxidants for the skin.

Garlic and Olive - Sulfur has been used for centuries for skin diseases and dandruff. In addition to garlic, green and black olives also have a high amount of sulfur, which is considered important in adding and increasing the collagen in the skin.

Eggs - Healthy protein is necessary for the body and egg is considered to be its main source. The egg supplies the amino acids called lysine and proline required in collagen production.

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