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Showing posts with label Hemp Seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemp Seeds. Show all posts

Sunday 8 March 2020

How hemp is beneficial for health and how to consume it.

Hemp Seeds

Rijuana, a different kind of stimulus appears to the term, especially in India, where it is illegal to possess, eat or trade all three forms of marijuana — hemp.or cannabis. But there is one exception to this, that is hemp, which can be consumed.

Hemp is a useful part of marijuana that contains a very subtle part of tetrahydro cannabinol (THC) and has no psychological effect. They may appear to be small seeds in appearance, but they are rich in nutritious elements.

The hemp contains a large and durable natural fiber, which is beneficial for the digestive system and improves metabolism. Let us know how hemp seeds can be effective in weight loss-

Great source of protein-

Hemp seeds are a tremendous source of protein. These contain nine essential amino acids. Can you identify what these are? Now keep aside your expensive protein powder and add three tablespoons of raw hemp seeds to your smoothie. Not only will they make you feel full, but they can also be a great source of protein for those vegetarians who are worried that their food is deficient in protein.

Improve metabolism, lose weight-

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, consuming a high fat diet with fish oil can cause weight loss compared to consuming a high fat diet without fish oil. It also increases the capacity of the intestines. Although this study was done to see the effect of fish oil, keeping in mind the importance of hemp oil can be understood, because it contains almost the same nutrients that make fish oil so much healthier.

Get good fats to the body

Hemp seeds contain essential fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is actually omega-3. It maintains a balance between omega-6 and omega-3. Also, they are less saturated fats and transfats.

Hemp seeds are rich in protein, use it in such a way to reduce obesity

Benefit in Keto Diet-

Three table spoon servings of hemp seeds contain only two grams of carb. Due to the mild nutty flavor it can easily be eaten by mixing it with oatmeal or toast. For those who are reducing their weight loss,
Hemp seeds may be the right choice. Then take advantage of these small seeds and reduce your weight.

You can consume hemp seed in this way-

  • - Sprinkle these seeds in serial or yogurt.
  • - Grind and mix them in your smoothie.
  • - Prepare milk with hemp seeds at home. For this, add seeds, water, coconut sugar and vanilla extract to the milk.
  • - Mix all the ingredients well, this will give you a nutritious and thick hemp milk drink.
  • - Mix hemp seed oil in the salad. Its crunchy taste will be very pleasing to your mind.
  • hemp seeds benefits: health benefits of hemp seeds
  • hemp seeds benefits: The anti-oxidants present in cannabis seeds are beneficial for the skin, heart and joints, so consuming hemp seeds is beneficial for health.

The Nutrition Basket

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