A Refreshment Morning

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. .

Cheeries Beloved Fruits

They’re not only delicious but also pack vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds with powerful health effects..

Strawberries are bright red, juicy, and sweet.

Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, which may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control.

A Good Start Of the Day

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A Important Part Of Healthy Eating

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Sunday 8 March 2020

How hemp is beneficial for health and how to consume it.

Hemp Seeds

Rijuana, a different kind of stimulus appears to the term, especially in India, where it is illegal to possess, eat or trade all three forms of marijuana — hemp.or cannabis. But there is one exception to this, that is hemp, which can be consumed.

Hemp is a useful part of marijuana that contains a very subtle part of tetrahydro cannabinol (THC) and has no psychological effect. They may appear to be small seeds in appearance, but they are rich in nutritious elements.

The hemp contains a large and durable natural fiber, which is beneficial for the digestive system and improves metabolism. Let us know how hemp seeds can be effective in weight loss-

Great source of protein-

Hemp seeds are a tremendous source of protein. These contain nine essential amino acids. Can you identify what these are? Now keep aside your expensive protein powder and add three tablespoons of raw hemp seeds to your smoothie. Not only will they make you feel full, but they can also be a great source of protein for those vegetarians who are worried that their food is deficient in protein.

Improve metabolism, lose weight-

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, consuming a high fat diet with fish oil can cause weight loss compared to consuming a high fat diet without fish oil. It also increases the capacity of the intestines. Although this study was done to see the effect of fish oil, keeping in mind the importance of hemp oil can be understood, because it contains almost the same nutrients that make fish oil so much healthier.

Get good fats to the body

Hemp seeds contain essential fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is actually omega-3. It maintains a balance between omega-6 and omega-3. Also, they are less saturated fats and transfats.

Hemp seeds are rich in protein, use it in such a way to reduce obesity

Benefit in Keto Diet-

Three table spoon servings of hemp seeds contain only two grams of carb. Due to the mild nutty flavor it can easily be eaten by mixing it with oatmeal or toast. For those who are reducing their weight loss,
Hemp seeds may be the right choice. Then take advantage of these small seeds and reduce your weight.

You can consume hemp seed in this way-

  • - Sprinkle these seeds in serial or yogurt.
  • - Grind and mix them in your smoothie.
  • - Prepare milk with hemp seeds at home. For this, add seeds, water, coconut sugar and vanilla extract to the milk.
  • - Mix all the ingredients well, this will give you a nutritious and thick hemp milk drink.
  • - Mix hemp seed oil in the salad. Its crunchy taste will be very pleasing to your mind.
  • hemp seeds benefits: health benefits of hemp seeds
  • hemp seeds benefits: The anti-oxidants present in cannabis seeds are beneficial for the skin, heart and joints, so consuming hemp seeds is beneficial for health.

The Nutrition Basket

Thursday 5 March 2020

What is Soy Protein,benefits of soy protein,how is intake of soy protein beneficial for health

What is Soy protein 

Whatever substances are made from soybeans are known as soy. It is a good source of protein, besides it also contains amino acids necessary for the body. Saturated fat is found in small amounts in soy products

Benefits of soy protein: 

Consumption of soy protein is beneficial for you. To consume soy protein, you can eat foods like tofu, soy milk,soy sauce etc.

Soy protein benefits: Soy protein intake helps keep you healthy.

Many people, being non-vegetarians, consume protein from meat. But many people do not consume meat, chicken etc., so for these vegetarian people, soy protein is a healthy alternative to meat. Tofu, soy milk, soybean etc. are types of soy protein. Which can be used to keep the body healthy. The nutrients in soy protein are helpful in keeping your body healthy. But excessive consumption of them can also be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is advisable to consume soy protein in the right amount. So let us tell you how intake of soy protein is beneficial for your health.

Benefits of soy protein: How soy protein intake is beneficial

  • To lose weight
  • Keep the heart healthy
  • To make muscles
  • Increases energy
  • Healthy bones 

Loss Weight: 

Soy protein intake helps you lose weight.
Soy protein is helpful in reducing weight. According to a study, soy proteins help in reducing weight. These proteins are more effective than meat based diet, due to which they should be included in their diet.

Keeping the heart healthy:

Soy protein helps in increasing the level of good cholesterol by lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol can be controlled up to 10 percent by consuming soy protein in your diet. Which helps to keep your heart healthy.

Making Muscles: 

Soy protein also contains amino acids which are beneficial for the body. Soy protein contains branched chain amino acids which helps in making muscles effectively. If you eat dairy products with soy protein then it is effective to make muscles.

Increases energy: 

Soy protein contains amino acids. It is most commonly found in tofu and soy milk. These amino acids are beneficial for converting food into energy.

Healthy bones: 

By eating soy, the problem of weak bones can be overcome. Soy protein contains nutrients and minerals that help to overcome the problem of arthritis.

Soy protein is helpful in keeping you healthy. Consuming it helps to keep you physically healthy.

The Nutrition Basket 

Tuesday 3 March 2020

What is a casein protein its advantages, disadvantages

What is a casein? What are its advantages, disadvantages?

As we talked in our previous article about whey protein and pea protein how it is useful for us. You can read our article written on our whey protein and pea protein  to know in detail what benefits our body gets from its use, and we also talked about the sources of whey protein and pea protein.
In this sequence, today we will talk about casein and learn what it is, and why it is necessary for our body. What are the benefits of this to our body, and what are its disadvantages, so let's talk about Casein and know how it is useful for us.

What is casein? 

Casein protein is a  protein commonly found in the milk of mammals. This protein is found in about eighty 80% in cow's milk and 20% in human milk. Unlike the protein, casein is a slow digesting protein that people use. Often do in the form of supplements. It releases amino acids slowly, so often people use it before bedtime. It helps reduce muscle break.

Why is casein important?

Casein is a complete protein that contains all the nine essential amino acids that our body gets from dairy products. It is a very important protein for our body muscles, contains elements like carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, which keep us healthy. Is extremely important for It has been found in many studies that casein plays a major role in enhancing the growth of our meat muscles.

When and how should you take casein? 

You can drink it by mixing it in water or in milk, when it comes to taking it, then if you prefer it only after a workout then it will prove to be better for you, because it is slow release protein, it gives your body very slowly amino Provides acid, due to which your broken muscles gradually recover.

It would be better to take it half an hour before bedtime because it recovers your body slowly.

How is casein made? 

As we have talked about till now, what is casein, why it is necessary for our body, how and when it should be taken, in that order, we now talk about how casein is made?

So let us tell you, it is made from cow's milk as we know that two types of vitamins are found in milk. Casein and Whey Protein are extracted from the milk of cows and sent to the manufacturing and processing center. It is produced in the process of making cheese, the solid substance in the cheese made is casein, and the liquid that remains is the protein.
The solid material is postured and administered in the form of powder, then further closed in the box and is transported to all of us.

So you have seen that no chemical or harmful elements are used to make casein. Casein is completely a natural substance because we get it from cow's milk.

What are the different types of casein? 

There are mainly two types of casein: A1 casein and A2 casein. Milk is produced in almost all American, Australian and European countries (except France) with most A1 casein, while in Asia, Africa, and France, mostly A2 casein. Also milk is produced.

Casein A1 and Casein A2 are exactly the same type of proteins but they differ in amino acid sequence. Casein A1 is a histidict and Casein A2 is a pro line in their biochemistry and amino acids can be completely changed but their molecules Behave alike which helps in digesting and metabolizing casein.

What are the benefits of casein? 

Let's talk about casein and know how it is beneficial for us.

Casein stays in your body system for a long time. Not all protein are the same, but Casein has a distinct advantage. The biggest strength of Casein is its timing. Casein provides your blood flow with a slow flow of amino acids. Which increases your capacity.
This process lasts for 6 to 7 hours. As we know meat muscles may not build overnight, but if you drink it before bedtime in case of milk or in water, it can prove to be the best protein because it is more effective overnight than any other protein. Will because it is a slow release protein.
Casein gives more benefits According to a Texas study, researchers tested 36 men and found that those using Casein (BCAAs) and glut-amine supplements proved to be more effective. A 10-week study showed that Casein Those using have shown an increase in weight of lean people.
Casein helps improve metabolism rate. In a study conducted in the Netherlands, it has been found that the intake of casein has increased by two and a half times, people have improved the metabolic rate by consuming it at bedtime.
Casein Gets More Strength Researchers in the Massachusetts study have found that casein makes muscles in the body grow faster and gives more strength in the legs, chest, shoulders than other protein supplements.
In a study by United Kingdom

Who should take Casein?


So far we have known what is casein? What are the benefits of this to our body? How is it constructed? What are the types of these?

Let's talk in this order, who should take Casein? One can consume it as it is a slow release protein and there is not much benefit to the common people with its use, they should take the protein as it is a fast release protein.
If you are a sports man, athlete, bodybuilder, weightlifter or do some heavy work then you must take casein because it slowly provides amino acids to your body, which lasts longer in your body because It is a slow release protein, it takes effect in your body in 7 to 8 hours, which increases your stamina and over time it proves to be most effective for you.

What are the side effects of casein?

Prolonged use of casein may cause side effects like acidity, indigestion problems, restlessness.
Excessive intake of casein can cause irritation in your respiratory system.
Consuming more of it increases your chances of getting many diseases like cold fever, asthma, etc.
Excessive intake of casein may cause allergic reactions and infection problems such as swelling of lips, difficulty in breathing.

The conclusion

Casein provides us with amino acids which play a key role in enhancing our muscles but it is a slow release protein that gives us protein but it takes a long time to get to our body.

It should be used before bedtime, and it is a product made from milk which is completely natural. There is no use of any chemical in it, it is completely safe, anyone can use it.

But mainly if it is used by athletes, bodybuilders, sportsmen, then it will be better. We also talked about the harm caused by its excessive intake and it is known that due to its high consumption, you face problems like acidity, cold fever, asthma. May have to do, we have tried to answer all the questions that arise in your mind in the article, but if any question comes in your mind, then you comment Be sure to comment in the box, we are always ready for you.

Saturday 29 February 2020

Whey and pea protein powder,why it's beneficial, and how should you use it?

Whey Protein

What is whey protein, why it's beneficial, and how should you use it?

Protein, a macro nutrient that every cell in your body contains, is essential for your health. If you're an athlete, casual gym-goer, or just looking to lose a few pounds, protein can help you build and retain muscle, too. Taking whey protein is an effective and inexpensive way to add more protein to your diet.

In short, whey is the liquid leftovers that come from the cheese-making process. This liquid is dried into a powder, which is mixed with sweeteners while keeping the calories, carbohydrates, and fats to a minimum.

There are three main types of whey protein:

Whey protein concentrate (WPC): This is a concentrated protein that keeps more of the nutrients. Most non-isolate proteins are comprised of WPC.

Whey protein isolate (WPI): This is similar to WPC, but most of the carbohydrates, fat, and fat-soluble vitamins have been removed, so the powder has a higher percentage of protein. Typically, isolate is digested more quickly and, therefore, more agreeable for some. For that reason, most trainers and registered dieticians recommend opting for WPI, though it's often more expensive.

Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH): WPH is considered "pre-digested" since it breaks down peptides the building blocks of proteins to help with quicker absorption.

As for how much protein you need to consume, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is about a gram for every 3 pounds of body weight. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, that would equate to 60 grams of protein per day. Experts suggest taking up to twice that can still produce benefits. When it comes to fitness-specific goals, like gaining muscle or losing fat,

"For someone who is trying to gain muscle mass and work out, taking in more protein can help speed up protein synthesis [the process in which your muscle fibers utilize protein to repair itself and grow], "For a person who is strictly trying to lose weight, taking in more protein can help you to retain the muscle that you already have."

 a 200-pound man would have to consume 200 grams of protein per day. That's equivalent to 2 pounds of chicken breast. Supplementing with whey protein, he explains, is a convenient way to get more protein without grilling up another piece of bland chicken.

Pea Protein Powder

Bodies need protein, and if you're trying to build muscle mass or are on a plant-based diet, you may need an extra boost. Pea protein powders are sourced from green and yellow split peas and contain no animal products, unlike other protein powders on the market. They're also a safe choice for people with allergies to soy, dairy, eggs, nuts, and gluten.

To learn more about the nutritional value of pea protein powders and what to look for in a powder, read our buying guide. We've also included our top product recommendations, like Naked Nutrition's Pea Protein Powder, which comes in chocolate, vanilla, and plain.

Considerations when choosing pea protein powders

Nutrient profile of pea protein powder

Besides supplying an ample amount of plant-based protein -- typically between 16 and 27 grams per serving -- pea protein powders supply other important nutrients your body requires.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Pea protein powders contain all nine essential amino acids that your body can't produce on its own. In particular, pea powders contain higher concentrations of the amino acid L-arginine than other types of protein powders. Arginine (along with amino acids leucine, valine, and isoleucine) promotes muscle growth and aids in post-workout recovery.

Iron is an important mineral for both men and women. Women in particular are at higher risk for anemia, and pea protein powders supply between 5 and 7.5 milligrams (mg) of iron per serving. However, iron found in plants like peas is not as readily absorbed as iron in meat, so select a pea protein powder enriched with vitamin C, which boosts iron absorption by up to 67%.

Pea protein powders are formulated to be mixed into liquids like water, juice, or smoothies. Unflavored powders taste mild, but some have a strange aftertaste. Many consumers prefer flavored powders like vanilla or chocolate, which are more palatable. Be aware that some flavored varieties contain added sugars.

Most pea protein powders come with a scoop to measure out the correct serving size, which can range from one to three scoops for a total of 20 to 30 grams of product. To get the full amount of protein listed on the label, you may need more than one scoop. Also consider the serving size when comparing prices of products.

Because pea protein powders are a plant-based product, many people opt for certified organic powders that aren't treated with pesticides or other agrochemicals, which can be detrimental to your health and the environment. Organic pea protein powders are non-GMO as well, which means they haven't been genetically modified or engineered.

Some protein powders add seeds like flax, chia, and quinoa (technically a seed) to the blend for added fiber. On its own, pea protein powder is low in fiber. Other supplemental ingredients you may see are cacao powder and Himalayan sea salt, which give added taste and nutritional benefits.

Although pea protein powder is naturally hypoallergenic and vegan, read the ingredient list and check the label to see if the product was processed in a plant that also processes dairy or eggs. Many powders have certified vegan, kosher, and gluten-free designations, so check the label if you're on any of those diets.


Pea protein powders we recommend

Our take: A high-protein product that's 100% pure pea powder with zero additives.

What I like: Each serving contains a whopping 27 grams of protein. Allergen- and sweetener-free. Comes in vanilla, chocolate, and unflavored. Bulk sizes available.

What we dislike: Even flavored varieties don't mask bland pea taste.

Our take: An affordable organic blend of pea and quinoa powder that's extra nutritious.

What we like: Quinoa and agave inulin add fiber to help you stay full. Certified organic, non-GMO, vegan, kosher, and gluten-free. Mixes well into baked goods and shakes.

What we dislike: 16 grams of protein per serving is on the lower end of protein content.

Our take: A tasty pea protein powder containing organic natural sweeteners.

What we like: Organic coconut palm sugar and organic stevia add pleasant taste. Totally vegan and free of common allergens.

What i dislike: May not dissolve completely in some liquids.

The Nutrition Basket

Thursday 27 February 2020

What is protein,types,function,sources.

What is Protein

Proteins in the one of the essential nutrient of human body,they are one of the building blocks of body tissue,and can also serve as a fuel source.The most important aspect and defining characteristic of protein from a nutritional standpoint is its amino acid composition.There are nine essential amino acids which a human must obtain from their diet in order to prevent protein energy malnutrition.They are phenylalanine, valine,threonine,tryptophan,methionine,leucin,isoleucine,lysin, and histidine,protein is a micro nutrient that is essential to building muscle mass.Each gram of protein contains 4 gram of calories.Protein makes up about 15 percent of a person's body weight. Chemically,protein is a composed of amino acids.which are compound made of carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen or sulfur.

Types of protein

We sometimes hear that there are three types of protein foods.

Complete protein:These foods contain all the essential amino acids.They mostly occur in animal foods, such as meat, dairy, and eggs.

Incomplete protein:- These foods contain at lest one essential amino acids, so there is lack of balance in the protein. Plant foods,such as peas,beans, and grains contains mostly incomplete protein.

Complementary protein:- These refer to two or more foods containing incomplete proteins that people can combine to supply complete protein.
Examples include rice and beans or bread with peanut butter.

What do protein

Proteins plays a role in nearly all the biological process, and their functions very widely.

The main functions of protein in the body are to build repair or replace things, such as tissue.

They can be:
  • structural, like collagen 
  • hormonal, like insulin
  • carriers, for example, hemoglobin
  • enzymes, such as amylase

All these are proteins

keratin is a structural protein that strengthens protective covering, such as hair. Collagen and elastin, too, have a structural function, and they also provide support for connective tissue.


Rice and bean together provide complete protein

Protein is one of the essential nutrient, or macro nutrients, in the human diet, but not all the protein we can eat converts protein in our body.

When people eat foods that contains amino acids,these amino acids make it possible for the body to create, or synthesize, proteins. If we do not consume some amino acids, we will not synthesize  enough proteins for our bodies to function correctly.

There are also nine essential amino acids that the human body does not synthesize,so they must come from a diet.

All food proteins contains some of each amino acid,but in different proportion.

Gelatin is special in that it contain a high proportion of some amino acids but not the whole range.

Foods that contain these nine essential acids are roughly equal proportion are called complete protein. Complete protein mainly comes form animal sources, such as milk, eggs, and meat.Soy and quinoa are vegetable sources of protein. Combining red beans and lentils with wholegrain rice or peanut butter with whole meat bread also provides complete protein.

Nutrition Basket  

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Categories, Functions and Sources Of Vitamins

Categories Of Vitamins

Vitamins are Categories into two groups

  • Fat Soluble Vitamins
  • Water Soluble Vitamins      

Fat Soluble Vitamins.

These vitamins are stored in fatty tissue of our body.The four fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E,K.These vitamins are absorbed more easily by the body in the presence of dietary fat 

Water Soluble Vitamins.

There are nine water-soluble vitamins. They are not stored in the body.Any leftover water-soluble vitamins leave the body through urine. Although, the body keeps a small reserve of these vitamins, they have to be taken on a regular basis to prevent shortage in the body.Vitamin B12 is only water soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years

Functions and Sources of Vitamins

Fats soluble Vitamins is as follows :- 

Functions:-Helps maintaining Good Vision(necessary for night vision)resistance to infection and support and repair of body tissues.Also maintain the high integrity of white and red blood cells,assists immune reactions.

Sources:-Milk,eggs,meat,fish liver oil.Vegetable(spinach,broccoli,carrots,sweet  potatoes,pumpkin) Fruits(Mango,cantaloupe,papaya, and apricots)

Functions:-Member of large and cooperative bone-making and bone maintenance team.Regulates absorption of calcium and phosphorous for bone health

Sources:-Formed in skin when you exposed to sunlight. Also found in dairy products,egg yolk,fish liver oils,tuna,oysters,yeast

Functions:-Fat -soluble antioxidant. Helps  maintain cell membranes,red blood cell integrity,protects vitamin A and fatty acids for oxidation

Sources:-Found primarily in plant oils,leafy vegetables,wheat grains,whole grains,eggs yolk,nuts,seeds, and liver.

Functions:-Helps make factors that promote blood clotting.

Sources:-Diet generally supplie: remaining need.Green leafy vegetables,cabbage type vegetables and milk.

Monday 24 February 2020

Simple explanation about Vitamins.


Vitamins are the substance your body needs for grow and develop or you can say they are various organic compound that are needed in small amount for normal growth and activity,there are many vitamins that a body cannot synthesize itself.but are found naturally from the food we obtained from plants and animals,

There are 13 essential vitamins,which are required for the body to work properly,
They are:-

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B7
  • Vitamin B9
  • Vitamin B12      
You can usually get all the vitamins from the food you eat.some vitamins are made by body itself like Vitamin K and Vitamin D,And in some cases you have take supplements to get vitamins, For Example:-People who eat vegetarian diet may need to take a Vitamin B12 supplement,

Each vitamin has specific jobs,If you have levels of certain vitamins,you may face health problems.
For example,If your don't get enough Vitamin C,you would be in a condition where there is deficiency of red cells or of hemoglobin in the blood which results to pallor and weakness.Some vitamins may help to prevent medical problems like vitamins A prevents night blindness.

The best way to get enough vitamins is to eat a balanced and health diet with variety of foods.In some cases,you may need to take supplements,it's a good idea to ask your health care provider first,If you take high dose of some vitamins it can cause problems.

In my next blog i would be explaining the classification,functions and source of vitamins.

Thank You
The Nutrition Basket 

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